The abstract level designs aren't abstract at allAfter the release of Doom 2, video game levels became drastically more realist, especially their layouts. Although it does make me wonder what happened to Katie (the girl). Meen for the last time, bringing peace to Earth. His anger had turned him into the Icon of Sin, and the demons invaded Earth. Unfortunately for him, Scott also Took a Level in Badass and was easily able to defeat the demons, thus foiling I.M. Meen saw it as a perfect time to unleash his new hellish army, which proceeded to zombify all the humans. Scott happened to get a job on Phobos, and I.M. Meen's monsters Take a Level in Badass, thus transforming them all into the Doom monsters we know (Troll=Demon, Spider=Arachnotron, Grim Reaper guy=Revenant, Guardian=Baron of Hell, Red ghost thing=Cacodemon, etc.), and so that they didn't go down in a few punches from a little kid. The Harbinger of Doom's powers helped all of I.M. Eventually, he died and went to Hell, where, with the Harbinger of Doom, they planned revenge on Scott, who is BJ Blazcowicz's grandson. Meen) is the DoomguyNote: This has spoilers from Wolfenstein RPGĪfter Scott escaped I.M. Meen is behind the invasion of hell, and Scott (the boy from I.M.