Once the troubleshooter has finished running, it will report back.
The easiest way to check for this is to see whether you have an internet connection through a different device on the same router. This isn’t your fault and it means there’s nothing wrong on your end. The most common reason you may see this error is because your internet connection from the ISP is down. To solve this issue, we need to determine why exactly the internet connection is dead. So the “No Internet, Secured” status message simply means that your WiFi connection to the router is fine and properly encrypted (“Secured”), but that there’s no internet connection from your home router to the outside world (“No Internet”).
This is known as the Local Area Network (LAN) and this network will keep working even if something goes wrong with your internet connection. However, your computer is also networked to all the other devices the router serves inside your home. Instead, you have a device such as a network router passing information to the Wide Area Network (WAN) outside your home. You see, your computer isn’t directly connected to the internet. However, it actually makes perfect sense when you think about it.
If you don’t know much about how your internet connection works, this can be a rather confusing message. What Does “No Internet, Secured” Even Mean?